The Shy Pig Crisp White

I figure that if a producer does a great job with their cheapest wine, then it’s likely to get better as you go up the price scale. So at a big trade tasting I usually start with the cheapest on each table. This one stopped me in my tracks yesterday: it was the cheapest in the room. Turns out this isn’t strictly wine, rather it’s a wine-based drink. Using wizard winemaking technology, the producer behind it then strips out some of the alcohol (it’s just 10.5%) but leaves enough flavour for it to still taste pretty wine-y. I’m rather hoping they’ll add a rose to the range in time for summer and call it Shy Pink Pig. 

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  1. I love this ‘nearly’ wine drink. Very smooth.

  2. Darrell Dudley

    The Red is a naughty little Devil too.

  3. I have the impression that the alcohol is not stripped out by wizard technology (SCC) but is just watered down with grape juice or even water! It’s only 75% wine. I’m going to buy a decent bottle and add my own water.

  4. I just go conned with a bottle of this. Shy crisp white —- more like misleading tasteless shite. Was looking for a cheap cool refresher but once I opened the bottle and had a swig almost immediately spat it out.. it tastes like 50% bad wine mixed with Peckham springs finest.. will be returning it to Morrison’s for a refund or at least attempting to. There is no way this should be on the shelf with other wines whatever the price tag.

    • Helen McGinn

      My review is from quite a few years ago but I’m sorry you didn’t like it. Time to try something else…cheers!

  5. Helen Claire

    This is disgusting. I had a sip and felt like spitting it back out. Steer clear

  6. Helen Claire

    Absolutely disgusting. I had a sip and felt like spitting it back out. Horrendous stuff. Steer clear.

  7. I just bought the rose version of this. The shy pig blush they named it. Didnt notice the cheap price! Just loved the bottle in my collection. Its awful! Can never serve it!
    Will he keeping the bottle to refill with a proper wine!

  8. Undrinkable !

    Tastes like mouldy tap water

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