This was sent to me by a relatively new online wine retailer called the Organic Wine Club. Unsurprisingly, they specialise in organic wines but they also do biodynamic (think super-organic) and sulphur free wines. Now, sulphur is often blamed for wine hangovers but the levels in wine are actually pretty low compared with lots of other food and drink products. But still, for those who might be allergic, sulphur free wines are a sensible option. They do taste different to conventional wines: most commonly with white wines I get a real whiff of baked apples. And they can be slightly spritz-y. But if you don’t mind baked apples and a touch of spritz, this is a lovely natural wine. Made from the Garganega grape, it’s deliciously light in alcohol too, at just 11.5%. A side of pork scratchings would be perfect.
La Biancara Masieri Garganega
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