Argentinian Malbec 1.5l

This is two bottles of enormously loveable Malbec in a pouch (I know, I’m sorry it’s called that too). But pouch aside, it’s easy to carry, stays fresh for 6 weeks once opened (not that we’ve ever opened a wine and not finished within the week in this house) and has an impressively reduced carbon footprint compared with a glass bottle (80% less, fyi). Apologies for the crappy picture but it’s not available online, only from stores. And best of all, being red you don’t even have to worry about chilling it, making it properly festival ready.

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  1. I have been searching for this wine for weeks since i tried a pouch from Aldi. I get hangovers very easy and I love Malbec and honestly this is the first red i’ve tried in a long time that gave me zero hangover plus I found it very tasty.

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