Breakfast Wine

I’ve been drinking quite a bit in the mornings lately. For work obviously, most recently with Holly & Phil on This Morning. And one of my favourite wines in the line up was an organic red blend from Puglia that comes in what looks like a giant paint tin. It’s basically bag-in-box reimagined, holding three …

Hels’ Kitchen

Right, two things. Firstly, thank you SO much for all the lovely comments on last week’s blog post. I know there was an incentive (free wine!) but seriously, they were a real joy to read. And enormously appreciated. The other thing is *tries to sound casual, fails* I’m joining BBC1’s Saturday Kitchen as a drinks …

Clothes Horse

Last Saturday night, we had our biennial School Ball. It might be a tiny village school but when it comes to parties, it goes large. We’re talking black tie, dinner, dancing. For the last ten years I’ve had a go-to dress for such occasions: jade green, very Studio 54 (in my head). Minus the horse, obviously. Problem …

Quiet Time

We went away last week for a few days during half term, to Scotland, with friends. Three days of glorious weather and picnics. Also: a run of late nights meaning I had to come back and lie in a darkened room. Which I did for, ooh, all of five minutes before somebody was asking me …


“Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast”, said Alice. Or rather, Lewis Carroll did. Well, turns out I sort of know what he means, now that my alarm goes off at 6.15am in order to get Eldest Boy out of bed and ready to catch the bus to his new …

Chin Up

Last night was Book Club and no, I hadn’t read the book (it was a medical-themed book with really tiny print – double whammy). I took a bottle of English white wine in the hope it would act as a diversion – it sort of worked – and as ever the chat was 10% book, …

Summer Looms

“Blimey, are they still at school?” remarked my husband as Eldest Boy scooted past in his school uniform. That was yesterday and yes, they were still at school. Today, happily, they are not. Instead, the weeks stretch ahead and – especially with this glorious weather – there’s much to look forward to. We’re off to …

Glasses Please

Nothing to do with time at the bar (if you want to know just how bad I am at bar work, read this). Rather, at Book Club earlier this week the proposed next book was being passed round the table. And when I start a new book, I check two things. 1) The number of …

Hot Summer Daze

I’m not going to complain about it being too hot. Really, I’m not. It’s glorious. This week Eldest Boy is learning to sail on our local river. Middle Boy has spent much of his time jumping, repeatedly, over a sprinkler in the garden. Even when it isn’t on. And Youngest Girl has mostly been saying: …

How low can you go?

“Please can you tell me if there are any good lower alcohol wines I should try?” so asked the lovely Reluctant Launderer (she’s up the duff, and slightly in shock). Until recently I’ve found most lower-alcohol-than-normal wines (I’m talking less than 9% alcohol by volume, the legal limit for most wine to be called wine) about …