School’s Out For Summer (nearly)

Two more days until school’s out. So, here’s a little vlog I did for Britmums on the topic of summer holidays. Question is, lazy days approach or boot camp approach? Here’s my slightly rambling answer… It’s Albarino and ‘Enders for me tonight. Will post wine this week’s wine recommendations tomorrow night. *clinks*

No pressure, then.

Now there’s a thing. This blog has been named as one of five bloggers to watch by The Guardian, following Saturday’s Cybermummy conference. Which is a bit of a nightmare as it implies something interesting is going to happen. So, if you are here for the first time, here’s what this blog is all about: …

Karaoke Kings

The lovely Erica  – aka Littlemummy – tagged me in a meme a few weeks ago. All I had to do was pick which song I would sing if doing Karaoke. Cue lots of fond memories of countless times singing into a wooden spoon/empty wine bottle fighting for the lead vocal in Atomic Kitten’s ‘Whole Again’. …

Summer Drinkies (vlog)

Here’s one I made earlier, some suggestions for summer drinkies: <img src=”” style=”background-color: #b2b2b2; height: 288px; width: 512px; ” class=”BLOGGER-object-element tr_noresize tr_placeholder” id=”ooyalaPlayer_7sgjw_glaya2zf” data-original-id=”ooyalaPlayer_7sgjw_glaya2zf” />

Working Girl

This week, I am in town for the International Wine Challenge, tasting about 100 wines a day blind (as in the bottles are covered up, rather than me tasting them with my eyes closed). I’m tasting the wines with a panel of experts to unearth this year’s gold, silver and bronze medal wines. Results will …

W(h)ine Free Zone

I’ve been ill, proper lying-under-blankets-shivering ill, for four days. So no wine for me; just soup, tea and sympathy with a pholcodine chaser. Unable to share wine recommendations, I thought I’d share this instead. It is a TED talk by Brene Brown on the power of vulnerability. I watched it a few weeks ago, hot cup of tea in …

The Knackered Mothers’ Wine Club Guide to Wine

So, I’m going to write a book, titled as above. It will be about wine but to be able to call it the KMWC Guide to Wine I need to know what you want to know. I’ve got ideas (grapes, countries, labels, food) but if you’ve got something you’d like to see in a wine guide please let me know, either here …

Any Questions?

I am what you might call a meme virgin, so very much hoping to get this right. Thank you Mrs Trefusis, for tagging me. Here’s me on my favourite subject: me. What experience has most shaped you, and why? I’ve got two. Firstly, meeting my husband-to-be at four years old and being together from the …