Drinks Party

Over the last couple of weeks I’ve done drinks with Luke Evans, WineTime with Kat (and a church full of brilliant women!) and sung carols with Cliff Richard. Honestly, I couldn’t feel more Christmassy if I rolled myself in glitter. However, I haven’t done anything to make me feel even remotely organised on the home …

Real Life

It’s the Easter Holidays! Or as I like to call it, that time when I spend the mornings trying to get my teenagers out of bed, the afternoon driving them around and any time in between checking they haven’t discovered this year’s hiding place for the Easter eggs. Actually, I posted a picture of a …

Sunny Delight

There are daffodils in the garden and we even had a brief spell of sunshine for about three minutes a few weeks ago so, obviously, it’s time to talk rosé. Even if you do have to wear a poncho in the garden when you drink it. Now, Bandol is a sub-region in Provence and the …

More Than A Woman

One of the guests on Saturday Kitchen at the weekend was Caitlin Moran, talking about her new book More Than A Woman. I devoured it last week whilst mainlining tea and a Terry’s chocolate orange. And I laughed out loud. A lot. (Slightly hazardous after three kids but whatever). Basically, it’s a guide to growing …

Feeling Flush

I posted a picture of a wine over on my Instagram page yesterday, a gorgeous Melon de Bourgogne/Chardonnay blend I’d recommended to a friend. She’d asked for a slightly lighter alternative to her usual favourite (white Burgundy) because, well, menopause. Within minutes the comments starting coming in so I thought I’d do a proper post …

Hels’ Kitchen

Right, two things. Firstly, thank you SO much for all the lovely comments on last week’s blog post. I know there was an incentive (free wine!) but seriously, they were a real joy to read. And enormously appreciated. The other thing is *tries to sound casual, fails* I’m joining BBC1’s Saturday Kitchen as a drinks …

Holiday Booking

Well, it’s been fun. Relative lie-ins, impromptu picnics on the beach, slightly too much pizza. Even losing half of our luggage on the flight back from our holiday didn’t dampen my spirits, not least because it halved the amount of post-holiday washing. But it hasn’t all been secs and rugs and sausage rolls (I know, …

Chill Out

One of the best bits about being in a TV studio is you never know who you might see. I did a wine tasting on This Morning earlier this week and saw the back of Jason Donovan’s head and the woman from Tenko. And Phil & Holly of course (she really does smell like unicorns). …

Coming Up: Roses

So, sun’s out. And that means one thing. Well, two things. The first involves half a tube of St. Tropez Medium Dark Body Lotion. The second is rosé. Perfectly chilled, condensation on glass rosé. I mean, I know by the end of the summer I’ll be over it. But it’ll be temporary. Because when the …

Happy Daze

Endless cups of tea on the sofa, nailing the last series of Catastrophe I’ve been meaning to watch for ages…turns out recovering from knee surgery can be FUN. And as for the drugs…well. They have a lot to answer for. Not least the pair of sequinned leopard print espadrilles ordered at the weekend. I mean …

Star Quality

I spent much of last week tasting wine in a professional capacity and therefore, sadly, having to spit it out. But there was one particular event that didn’t require any spitting. In fact, I pretty much gawped open-mouthed throughout (thank god I wasn’t tasting wine; could’ve been messy). As you know – because I’ve gone …

Yours Truly

Last week, I was on Radio 4’s You & Yours programme talking about organic wines. The presenter, Peter White (it was Winifred’s day off), asked me if KMWC readers (that’s you!) were interested in organic wines and I said yes, actually. Lots of you are. Which is great: no chemicals used in the vineyard is …

Good Grief

Grief is a funny thing. As in peculiar rather than ha ha, obviously. Seventeen years ago my brother died. I remember, a few years after, googling the five stages of grief. I just wanted to know when it would stop hurting so much. But the thing is grief doesn’t ever really go away. It does, …

Is it me?

A reader emailed recently asking for some low sulphur wines to try after being told by her GP that wine intolerance was common in middle-aged pre-menopausal women and a low/no added sulphur approach might help. I mean, a hot flush is one thing. But wine intolerance? Talk about adding insult to injury. Anyway, if you …

Jump Start

A few years ago I bought a jumpsuit. We were off to New York for a long weekend and clearly thought a jumpsuit would elevate me from knackered mother to potential extra in Gossip Girl in one outfit. Instead, I remember feeling like a giant toddler. Except with wine. And going to the loo was …

All wrapped up

Ah, Christmas. So much stuff to organise – food, presents, plans – and so little time to do it. Now, I can’t help you with the last minute mince pie requests or the sudden call for a star costume (for real, made one out of a wine box earlier this week in ten minutes flat) …

Sky News

Last week was a bit of a monster. Work (so to speak) included hosting a cocktail tasting at a local Singles Night, speaking at a literary festival lunch for book clubs and doing a wine tasting for a great/thirsty bunch in London. Play (so to speak) included a Halloween Party for 14 kids and a …

Knees Up

I love a fancy dress party. So I went all out on Saturday at an 80’s themed party (the decade, not the age). I’m talking zebra print dress, black leggings, gold boots, candy pink leg warmers, arms covered in plastic bangles, lots of pink and blue eyeshadow and half a can of backcomb spray in …

Beach Club

Last night our book club met at the beach. It was a glorious evening – calm sea, colourful sunset, cold rosé. We swam before tucking into a picnic and a discussion about the book, once we’d remembered what the book was called in the first place (Stay With Me. Ironic, really). Anyway, running into the …

Bank On It

At last, it looks like sun is on the way. And this time it might just stay for more than about 20 minutes. When we were promised some sun a few weeks ago I duly threw on the St Tropez and went the colour of an old mahogany sideboard (my preferred shade). Sadly, the tan …

Spring Clean

Spring is officially here. Not that you’d know it: I spent the day wearing two jumpers and a cardigan. But today the sky was blue and the chill in the air not quite as beastly as before. Now, I have no intentions of cleaning the house from top to bottom (three kids and three dogs …

Merry Christmas!

So, here we are. As promised, there’s a bumper selection of suitably christmassy wines this week including the bargain champagne featured on last week’s This Morning. Yes, I did ACTUAL This Morning on the telly on Friday! A festive fizz tasting on ice with skating polar bears in the background. The clip’s on the KMWC …

Espresso Love

I’ve been all over the place this week. Literally. London for work, Manchester for an author’s talk and Bath for a wine tasting. And I’ve done some radio interviews in between, including one on how drink affects your mood (answer: largely depends how you’re feeling before you have one) and another on whether there’s any …

Spirit Level

I remember a time when Halloween wasn’t really a thing. Not any more. And, I’ve realised, resistance is futile. When I suggested that perhaps we, y’know, scale back this year’s Halloween extravaganza – ridiculous spooky tea at ours before visiting neighbours to claim the kids’ bodyweight in Haribo – it was met with (funnily enough) …

Quiet Time

We went away last week for a few days during half term, to Scotland, with friends. Three days of glorious weather and picnics. Also: a run of late nights meaning I had to come back and lie in a darkened room. Which I did for, ooh, all of five minutes before somebody was asking me …

Wonder Woman

I posted this picture of Wonder Woman on Instagram to celebrate this year’s International Women’s Day. I’m the one in the red t-shirt and blue dungarees. I was six years old, on holiday in Florida. And as you can see, I was in complete awe of Wonder Woman’s fabulousness. I loved that she could fly, had a …

Lightbulb Moment

Last week, I sent an email to everyone who subscribes to this blog asking what else you might like to see on here. I’m properly overwhelmed by the response so thank you – THANK YOU – for being so amazing. I love how many of you want, among other things, more on food and wine, on best deals …


So, the ‘news’ that Victoria Beckham was spotted leaving a London Fashion Week party with a suspicious wet patch on her trousers was dismissed with a simple ‘4 kids 50 cocktails no brainer’ text from my sister. (We do discuss other more serious issues on occasion. Mostly stuff like this, though). And we sympathised because …

Edited Highlights

I went to a big blogging conference in London last Friday, BritMums Live, to speak on a panel. Along with English Mum and Honest Mum, we were asked to talk to an audience of bloggers about our stories and how we’ve gone about building our blogs. And I got to meet Ella Woodward from Deliciously …

Big Picture

So, this is a really big picture of me. It’s in the latest Waitrose Kitchen magazine and is the first of my monthly wine course features. I’m sitting on my kitchen table (I don’t usually do that) with a glass of wine in my hand (that one more so). I have been dying to tell …

Blurred Lines

Friday night fizz. Small things. You know my feelings about January. I don’t much like it. Which is why it’s important to have things to look forward to, however small. As I type, the Husband is on his way back from a week in Taiwan. And he’s just texted from Duty Free to ask if I …

Blown Away

Last year’s hair.  Next Tuesday I’m going to the Fortnum & Mason Food & Drink Awards, where the Knackered Mother’s Wine Club book is shortlisted in the Drinks Book category. Last year, this blog won the Online Drinks Writer award; I’m still getting over that one. I daren’t believe the book will do the double. …

Worrier Princess

I’m a born worrier. I’m the eldest sibling, a Virgo and a mother. Triple whammy. But there is a huge difference in my BC (before childbirth) and AD (after delivery) worries. BC was mostly me: namely money, weight, clothes, job, social & love life. There was a dalliance with existentialism vs. rationalism during the university …

Pees In Our Time

I’ve had a complaint from a reader – a reader!* – who’s asked me not to bang on about how bleak January is, about dieting or not drinking (as if). She wants wine recommendations and a laugh. That’s me told. So, I’m not a big spirits drinker: vodka makes me feisty, gin makes me cry, whisky makes me think …