School’s Out For Summer (nearly)

Two more days until school’s out. So, here’s a little vlog I did for Britmums on the topic of summer holidays. Question is, lazy days approach or boot camp approach? Here’s my slightly rambling answer… It’s Albarino and ‘Enders for me tonight. Will post wine this week’s wine recommendations tomorrow night. *clinks*

#cybermummy11 – live blog from Rachel Johnson’s speech on writing about your life

Here’s Rachel Johnson! And me! She’s talking at Cybermummy now about the highlights and lowlights of her published career. Specifically, how many people she has pissed off in the process. She started writing The Mummy Diaries with three small children under 5 (her kids are now teenagers) before the world of mummy blogging even existed. …

#cybermummy11 – live blog from Sophie King’s writing workshop

So, I am live blogging from writer Sophie King’s writing workshop. She’s telling us how to find our (blogging) voice. She used to be a journalist and wrote about bringing up children for most of her writing life, for Family Matters magazine. When it came to writing novels, she found writing multi-character novels did it …