the knackered mother's wine club
the blog where it all began
I know, it sounds easy. And it is. But if you don’t swirl, sniff and swill, you’ll miss half the...
I know, it sounds easy. And it is. But if you don’t swirl, sniff and swill, you’ll miss half the...
Asked by BritMums: ‘why do I blog?’ This is what I said. And I’m really sorry about the swear word...
Asked by BritMums: ‘why do I blog?’ This is what I said. And I’m really sorry about the swear word...
So I think we’ve established that this blog is about wine and me. Mostly me. As if I needed any encouragement, I was asked to attend a BMB blogging event last week in London...
I’ve been ill, proper lying-under-blankets-shivering ill, for four days. So no wine for me; just soup, tea and sympathy with a pholcodine chaser. Unable to share wine...
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