the knackered mother's wine club
the blog where it all began
Last night we had our latest Book Club meeting. Yet again, I failed to finish the book so had to ask a fellow BC member to fill me in on the details. I do try, really I do but in the evenings, once...
I vlogged about this not long ago for BritMums but I forgot to mention one of the best things about blogging. Yes, I talked about how much I love the writing, sharing wine knowledge, laughs and...
Tonight, the 6yo Boy had his school disco. It was a 5.45pm drop off, £1 entry, all drinks & snacks included and an hour of wall to wall dance floor fillers. He really did dance like no-one was...
Here’s one I made earlier, some suggestions for summer drinkies: <img src=”” style=”background-color: #b2b2b2; height: 288px;...
I’ve been away from home for a few nights, spending the days working on a wine stand at the annual London International Wine Fair. Cue much swirling, sipping and spitting whilst surrounded by...
We’ve moved house. Again. Only this time, we moved into one that we own. After years of renting, we are now in a 1970’s bungalow with a peach-coloured bathroom, a green sitting room and...
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