the knackered mother's wine club

the blog where it all began

No pressure, then.

Now there’s a thing. This blog has been named as one of five bloggers to watch by The Guardian, following Saturday’s Cybermummy conference. Which is a bit of a nightmare as it implies...

#cybermummy11 – live blog from Rachel Johnson’s speech on writing about your life

Here’s Rachel Johnson! And me! She’s talking at Cybermummy now about the highlights and lowlights of her published career. Specifically, how many people she has pissed off in the process...

#cybermummy11 – live blog from Sophie King’s writing workshop

So, I am live blogging from writer Sophie King’s writing workshop. She’s telling us how to find our (blogging) voice. She used to be a journalist and wrote about bringing up children for...

Mutton. Dressed.

So there I was, standing in the middle of an H&M clothes shop and all I could think was I’VE LOST IT. I just didn’t ‘get’ the clothes. Everything looked too small, too...

Karaoke Kings

The lovely Erica  – aka Littlemummy – tagged me in a meme a few weeks ago. All I had to do was pick which song I would sing if doing Karaoke. Cue lots of fond memories of...

The Demon Drink

Every other week there is an alcohol-related story in the news – mostly the Daily Mail and their obsession with wine and the middle classes – but the last few days have seen a positive...
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