the knackered mother's wine club
the blog where it all began
Fancy Dress parties and me do not have a happy history. There was the time Bearded Husband decided we should go as Derek & Clive to a New Year’s Eve party. As other girls glowed in beautiful...
According to a recent survey, 32,000 women left their jobs in the past year, not because they didn’t want to work but because it didn’t pay to do so. I nearly choked on my...
This is a vlog on bullying done by BritMums. I blurb on a bit but Penny’s advice about throwing comments in the bin is BRILLIANT...
I love this time of year. Yes, of course I love the falling leaves, scrumping, resulting apple cakes and all that. But what I really love is the fact that the weather demands a fairly...
Next week, after 16 years of continuous employment (bar three maternity leaves), I am going freelance. It is either going to be the best thing I ever did, or a really, really silly thing to do...
When I was six I stepped on Mickey Mouse’s tail accidentally (on purpose) to increase my fancy dress chances at the local village fete, only to come second. From that day, I resigned myself to...
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