the knackered mother's wine club
the blog where it all began
One of the guests on Saturday Kitchen at the weekend was Caitlin Moran, talking about her new book More Than A Woman. I devoured it last week whilst mainlining tea and a Terry’s chocolate...
Still feeling a little weird about them going back to school. Don’t get me wrong: I’m loving having a quiet house to myself. Thing is I seem to have forgotten how to apply myself when...
It’s been a long (almost) six months but finally – finally! – the children have gone back to school. And just like that the house is quiet. Messy, but quiet. Obviously I’m...
Last week I had a proper break. Sadly it didn’t involve a tropical island for obvious reasons but we did escape to Cornwall for a few days to stay in one of my favourite pubs on the planet...
A few weeks ago Cameron Diaz launched a ‘clean’ wine brand called Avaline. In this video she talks about how she was shocked to learn most wines are full of additives (they’re not)...
I posted a picture of a wine over on my Instagram page yesterday, a gorgeous Melon de Bourgogne/Chardonnay blend I’d recommended to a friend. She’d asked for a slightly lighter alternative...
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