the knackered mother's wine club

the blog where it all began

The small stuff.

Sun on skin. A sea breeze. Clinky drinks with ice and a slice. A chapter read in the bath (uninterrupted). Fish & chips. Champagne. Fish & chips served with Champagne. Dancing in the kitchen...

Did I mention the book?

This weekend, I sat down and started work on the book. We’ve got a plan: I’ve now just got to write it. From now on, Unbearded Husband will be taking the children off for usual Saturday...

Book. Four Words.

So, I’ve got news. I got an email just before Christmas. It was from a fellow knackered mother and wine lover. Oh, and she was also an editorial director for a publishing company and asked if I...

Hot Potato

I love a good acronym as much as the next person, particularly when they can be used as mnemonic devices (my music teacher taught me Every Good Boy Deserves Fun. Aware that sounds bad). Anyway, my new...

Ready for my close up?

“We’re looking for a female drinks expert for our new TV show…” said the email. Would I be interested? First reaction was YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING. Closely followed by well...

Hips that pass in the night…

I think it was Elizabeth Taylor who once said that she and her at-the-time beloved Richard Burton used to see so little of each other when they were both appearing in different plays that most of...
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