the knackered mother's wine club

the blog where it all began

Having it off

There are a good few thought-provoking posts about having it all around at the moment, sparked in part by a session at that blogging conference I told you about. I thought I might post about it too...

I need a Wii

So I didn’t win the blogging award as mentioned last week but I did win a Wii at the same event, thereby making me the most popular parent in our house by quite some margin. The week’s...

Black Eyed (Peas)

It was my friend’s 40th on Saturday night and the theme was Caribbean. So I had a spray tan. The idea was to look slightly less knackered bronzed. As it turned out, I got caught on the eyebrow...

Cover Story

It’s not out yet (due for launch February 2013) but here it is. My book cover. I’ll do wine recommendations tomorrow. For now, I’ll just stare at this a wee bit longer...

Wine, natch.

Make-up wise I favour the natural look, but nowadays this requires a certain degree of pre-planning. Sadly, I can’t seem to carry off the salt ‘n’ pepper look as well as Clooney...

Happy Days

This is me, celebrating the Jubilee. The Silver one, that is, in 1977. Today, as I sat under a canopy with my own children, in the pouring rain, I wondered what their memories might be. Hopefully...
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