the knackered mother's wine club
the blog where it all began
When I got into this whole blogging thing, it was largely about me, obviously. Yes, there’s the wine – hurrah for the wine! – and the fact that I hoped to encourage people to drink...
Funny how things turn out sometimes. Yesterday, I got a flat tyre on the way to school. I had to kill an hour in town whilst waiting for a lift home: cue blissful time in the local bookshop, followed...
The proofs for my FORTHCOMING BOOK arrived last week (sorry, didn’t mean to shout), a final chance for me to read it through and make sure everything is as it should be. To be honest, I’ve...
No, this is not about Bond. But it is about secrets and at the moment I’ve got – count them – three. That’s three things that people have told me and then said I’m not to...
There’s been a fair few reports in the last week, including one on how it is the mother, rather than the father’s drinking habits that shape how our children will drink in 20 years time...
I made jam last night for Youngest Girl’s nursery cake & chutney sale on Saturday. Actually, I didn’t make jam. A group of us got together and I chopped a few peppers and chillies...
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