the knackered mother's wine club

the blog where it all began

Happy P-Day

So, tomorrow is publishing day for the KMWC and my book will be in shops. My family pinched all the free ones I was sent (I’ve had to write ‘My Copy’ in my copy). I know some of you...

Team Honk: bringing the awesome

It started with a tweet. Comic Relief were in the planning stages of how to mark this year’s 25th anniversary of Red Nose Day. A blogger I know tweeted back and said: ‘how can we...

Talk Show

So, I did have a lovely evening last night, with these two on the right and about 200 others. We were speaking at the latest Red Network event about being your own boss. Clare, on the left, founded...


Apparently, it is still January. Remember that wonderful wedding I mentioned a few weeks ago? Feels like it was months ago. But, I have developed a coping strategy to get me through and it seems...

The (Wine) Glass Ceiling

Someone asked me today why I thought the wine industry was such a male-dominated one. When I went for my first ever job interview with a wine company almost 20 years ago, I was asked if I could type...

Wedding Bells

No, not me, silly. Not that I would mind getting married again*, having gone to the most beautiful of second weddings last Friday. If ever there was a time to have a day of pure life-affirming joy...
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