the knackered mother's wine club
the blog where it all began
The London launch of The Knackered Mother’s Wine Club book! Kindly filmed by Shoot The Company (
The London launch of The Knackered Mother’s Wine Club book! Kindly filmed by Shoot The Company (
S’been a busy few weeks with book signings, wine tastings, radio interviews and writing. Amazing really, I feel very lucky. But I am looking forward to Friday, when my only plan is to wear a...
Mother’s Day is marked by the cup of tea in bed, a selection of home-made cards and a group hug. All at about 6am which is, you know, a bit annoying but lovely nonetheless. Wouldn’t have...
So, we had a little party last night for friends who couldn’t make it to London for the official KMWC book launch a few weeks ago. And as you can see, my mum made herself useful. Yes, she is...
I realise that for Red Nose Day I could a) shave all my hair off or b) do a sponsored bike ride or even c) climb a mountain but there are already people I know doing exactly that. So instead...
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