the knackered mother's wine club
the blog where it all began
About 20 years ago, I went out for dinner on Valentine’s Day. It was awful. We were so close to the table next to us that I couldn’t help but listen to their conversation (I think it might...
There are many, many, many upsides to tasting wines for a living. In the old BC days (before children) I travelled the world sourcing wines for our supermarket shelves, visiting vineyards in beautiful...
Bought from a junk shop in Cornwall years ago, this old dairy farm table has stayed with us through five house moves (I’m. Never. Moving. Again). And has seen countless children’s teas...
There was an interview on the radio yesterday morning, a short 4-minute piece about a nail bar in Dollis Valley, north London. The weekly pop-up is a project involving young, talented girls and women...
Look! It’s the new cover for the KMWC paperback, out next month. I’m rather hoping you’ve bought a copy by now *looks you all in the eye* but if you need a present for a friend for...
Pamela Vandyke Price Last week, a lady called Pamela Vandyke Price died, aged 90. The reason I know this is because she was a rather famous name in the wine world. In fact, she was one of our first...
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