the knackered mother's wine club
the blog where it all began
Every year, on or around the 25th January, we do Burns Night. I’m married to a sort-of-Scot (my father-in-law was born and brought up in Edinburgh; the Husband’s more of a Hampshire...
Friday night fizz. Small things. You know my feelings about January. I don’t much like it. Which is why it’s important to have things to look forward to, however small. As I type, the...
Follow your dreams and never give up, goes the saying (and Cara D on Instagram). So I’m going to do exactly that and not give up wine in January. Obviously I will be drinking less owing to the...
Wishing you all a very happy Christmas, with lots of love and laughter. And wine...
On a shoot last week, hat at jaunty angle. This last week has been a blur of school music concerts, nativity plays (the cowboy theme totally worked, by the way), panic baking and...
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