the knackered mother's wine club
the blog where it all began
I love a good handbag. And given that most of the armful I own are old vintage, I especially love the ones built to last. No mean feat when it’s not uncommon to have a bottle of wine stashed...
I’ve been in London all week, judging at this year’s International Wine Challenge. I’m tasting approx. 70 wines a day – then spitting them out, obviously – and making the...
Thank Friday It’s Wine! A weekly video featuring a wine that’s a) delicious and b) great value. This week’s TFIW...
Laughter is the best medicine, or so they say. Clearly they forgot wine, carbs and Codeine but I know what they were getting at. Anyway, one of the biggest successes of the Easter holidays so far has...
Thank Friday It’s Wine! A weekly video featuring a wine that’s a) delicious and b) great value. This week’s TFIW...
Last weekend, the sun came out. And so did the rosé. There is something about pink wine that hints at summer better than any other wine – and it definitely shines in the sun. This is me, on...
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