the knackered mother's wine club
the blog where it all began
I’ve got exciting news. But I can’t share it until next week so, given that I’m terrible at keeping secrets, I’m going to have to change the subject until then. Earlier this...
I have Camp Bestival news: I’m doing a wine tasting on the Saturday night with the wee-inducinginly funny, gold catsuit-rocking comedy duo The Scummy Mummies. And our host for the evening is DJ...
We went away last week for a few days during half term, to Scotland, with friends. Three days of glorious weather and picnics. Also: a run of late nights meaning I had to come back and lie in a...
Half term is upon us and so, naturally, my thoughts turn to wine. It’s times like these we need volume. Portable volume. And if you’re off camping (mad fools!), you’ll need it in...
Lots of you have been kind enough to tell me that you find the new wine search function on the website useful (‘THIS WILL CHANGE MY LIFE’, said one, brilliantly). Then, this morning, a...
As promised, a quick update on those booze-related beauty treatments I tested out last week. Washing my hair in beer made me smell like a brewery and washing my face in red wine, egg white and honey...
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