the knackered mother's wine club

the blog where it all began

Straight to wine

So here we are, the kids still on holiday (mine go back next Tuesday. NEXT TUESDAY) and I’m still on crutches. It’s been a mad week work-wise too (although I do realise that tasting and...

Knee Jerk Reaction

I realise it’s a bit like complaining that my diamond shoes are too tight but I got hit by a crazy skier last week whilst on the slopes in Austria and now I’m on crutches with a ruptured...

Snow Escape

I kicked off my rose season properly yesterday with a glass at midday accompanied by this view. I’m in Austria and plan to spend much of the rest of the week drinking more wine and eating melted...

Mother’s Day Drinks

Currently, my kitchen table looks like some kind of crazy lady tiki bar. Turns out writing a book about homemade cocktails is a lot of fun. And messy. I did have a slightly awkward moment yesterday...

Bored Meeting

Poor Prof. Kelly, trying to keep a straight face during a live TV interview about South Korean politics, knowing that behind him his children have crashed the party. I’ve watched this clip so...

Scummy Wines

This week sees the launch of the laugh-til-you-wee Scummy Mummies book, so to celebrate I thought we’d take a look at some suitably scummy wines. Written by Ellie Gibson and Helen Thorn, the...
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