the knackered mother's wine club
the blog where it all began
Much as I’ve loved drinking rosé in the sun, yelling ‘suncream!’ at the children every now and again, it’s really good to be back. With a jumper on. And I’ve got news...
I’m not sure what day it is, the fridge is practically empty (despite having filled it with panic-bought food a few days ago) and the washing is out of control. And I have to be honest, I kinda...
We’re off to a festival this weekend. And it’s my favourite kind of festival because it’s local, meaning I get to soak up the atmosphere and still collapse into my own bed at the end...
I’m currently 60% rosé, 40% hot dogs and the school holidays haven’t even started yet. I blame the weather. And the football. Anyway, Eldest Boy breaks up on Friday, the other two at the...
I thought I could take it or leave it. You know, dip in and out as and when it suited me. But before I knew it I was in too deep. And now it’s a full on obsession. Yes, I know it’s...
I love a fancy dress party. So I went all out on Saturday at an 80’s themed party (the decade, not the age). I’m talking zebra print dress, black leggings, gold boots, candy pink leg...
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