the knackered mother's wine club
the blog where it all began
A few weeks ago I found myself in central London with half an hour to kill between meetings. Normally I’d grab a coffee and head to Liberty’s stationary department but on this particular...
It’s been a week of highs and lows. Highs include making cocktails on live radio and watching a football game at Anfield – the atmosphere! – whilst enjoying a glass of red...
We’re into the second week of half term (the boys have two weeks off. TWO WEEKS! ) and we’re all still talking to each other. Maybe with the odd shout thrown in but mostly talking, thanks...
I did it! And I loved every single minute of my first Saturday Kitchen Live experience. OK so I wasn’t mad about the coral lipstick and the camera definitely adds at least 10lbs but I got to eat...
Right, two things. Firstly, thank you SO much for all the lovely comments on last week’s blog post. I know there was an incentive (free wine!) but seriously, they were a real joy to read. And...
Ten years ago to the day I decided to write a wine blog. I remember hitting publish on that first post, just a few sentences on how I planned to recommend a couple of wines each week in the hope it...
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