One of the guests on Saturday Kitchen at the weekend was Caitlin Moran, talking about her new book More Than A Woman. I devoured it last week whilst mainlining tea and a Terry’s chocolate orange. And I laughed out loud. A lot. (Slightly hazardous after three kids but whatever). Basically, it’s a guide to growing older and a shameless celebration of all those middle-aged women *sticks hand up* who, as Caitlin says, ‘keep the world turning.’ It’s about To Do lists, the pile of stuff on the stairs, the truth about the Toast catalogue and more. So much more. I heartily recommend it and not just because (as ever) I was just a little bit star struck.

There’s something else I wanted to talk about and it’s not great but there is something we can do to help. Back at the start of lockdown, otherwise known as When This Sh*t Kicked Off, the sale of wine was banned in South Africa. No, I’m not kidding. Shops couldn’t sell it and producers couldn’t even export it. Thankfully that’s now changed but recovery is going to be slow. So if you can, make the next bottle of wine you buy a South African one. I’ve got a couple of suggestions below.

Cheers, winos x

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