Virtual reality

I realise wine might not be on everyone’s list of ‘essentials’ but given we’re currently home schooling whilst working from home, it’s definitely on mine. I topped up with a few cases from our local independent wine shop earlier this week and if you’re thinking of doing the same, this list of wine shops still delivering on might help. I’ve also been trying to do a quick daily dose of online Pilates with my friend & Pilates teacher Juliet to help me stay mobile/sane. She’s uploaded lots of videos to her Facebook page (Juliet’s Pilates) so you can do them in your own time (we’re doing Prosecco Pilates next Tuesday at 7pm via Facebook Live if you want to join. Bring your own, obviously). I’ve got my book club meeting tonight via Google hangout, drinks with neighbours via Zoom on Saturday and lunch with my mum via FaceTime on Sunday. Talk about virtual reality. Sending love to you and yours.


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