Late to the Party

Happy New Year! Yes, I know I’m a little late but we came crashing into 2018 with lost luggage, sick bugs and sizeable hangovers. Anyway, I’ve included a 0% wine and beer in the reviews below this week just in case you need a change from drinking tonic with a dash of bitters (and assuming you’ve already got a copy of Teetotal Tipples *raises one eyebrow*). I’m sticking to my usual: three dry days a week with something really good in my glass in between.

As ever, if there’s anything else you want from the KMWC – some new videos? More pre-mixed cases of wine? – let me know and it shall be so. There’s a book coming out later this year (cocktails!), another one in the pipeline and some exciting plans for the shop. More on that asap. In the meantime, here’s to really good things.

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