Happy Campers

So Camp Bestival at the weekend was wet but happily the wine was dry. And delicious. And plentiful. On Saturday night around 50 of us crammed into a tent for the annual Secret Mummies Wine Club and, as always, The Scummy Mummies made us laugh a lot. The wines went down well (and fast), especially a bargain Crémant from Lidl and the most gorgeous sofa-soft red from New Zealand’s Waiheke Island. See this week’s wine reviews for full details on both. And check out the KMWC facebook page to see Pat & Jen do the lift from Dirty Dancing as part of Saturday’s finale song. Srsly.

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  1. Could you reveal the identity of the other two plonks we sampled please Helen?

    • Helen McGinn

      Hi Tracey, yes will put details of other two on the blog this week (apologies for delay – pesky school holidays)! x

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