All I had to do was make something for the middle son’s nursery charity cake stall on Saturday. Good people made glorious cakes, chutneys and jam. I, however, made my step-mother an offer she couldn’t refuse: a bottle of robust red wine for a pile of fairy cakes. Sometimes the work/life balance doesn’t work and isn’t balanced. That’s when I improvise/exploit a weakness for Rioja…

Talking of robust reds, this week’s red on the side is:
Gran Conte Biferno Riserva DOC, normally £9.49, currently HALF PRICE at £4.74, Tesco
A big Italian red from the Molise region, this is thick with damson fruit flavours and must by law be drunk with red meat. Well, not really, but I think it should be.

The white in the fridge is:
Tesco Finest Guentota Estate Chardonnay Viognier, 2008, normally £7.59, currently £4.75, Tesco
This is a gorgeous Argentinian number, full of citrus fruits and a punch of peach flavour given by the addition of the Viognier grape in the blend. Drink from big glasses to save you making trips to the fridge.

Happy baking/faking xx

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  1. Oh what a great idea! My mother would go for it (but she's in California). I'd have to offer Scottish mother-in-law sherry…

  2. Fake bake…I love it 🙂

  3. Thank you Vinogirl, and very happy that you've led me to your blog, you are clearly hopelessly devoted..x

  4. Devoted in moderation of course 🙂

  5. Thanks for this informative post, tis is really great to make the evening more enjoyable with fake bake.

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