Winey Happy People

Wine is an excellent thing. Apologies for the inarticulate nature of this opening statement but with two out of three children currently running a temperature + a forgotten-about school closure day for the only one without a temperature + work day that culminated with middle boy wondering into the study half-way through a conference call dressed as a Power Ranger, I don’t have the mental capacity for anything other than short sentences. Or really long rambling ones. As I was saying, wine is an excellent thing. A glass of deliciousness once the children are in bed revives me like Berocca never could.

Tonight’s white in the fridge:
Tesco Finest Chablis 2007, £8.49,
Not the most fashionable of wines, but I’ve always loved the searing wake-up call of a good Chablis. This is the grapefruit and citrus take on Chardonnay, with mouth-watering acidity (that’s a good thing for Chablis). One glass of this and I’m unwound. Someone asked me the difference between Petit Chablis and Chablis last week, here’s the explanation for anyone who’s interested: on the official quality scale of  Chablis wines, Grand Cru is the daddy, Premier Cru next, then AOC Chablis and finally Petit Chablis. Hope that helps, winos.   

Current red on the side:
Still on the Gran Conti from last week. It was so good, I went back and stocked up for the weekend. We’ll finish off the leftovers this week.

As you were x

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