Growing (Old) Pains (Me)

I went out on Monday night. It doesn’t happen often so I made the most. I wore an adored emerald green dress (Ghost), nail varnish (Rouge Noir), matching underwear (old vintage Myla) and really high heels. On Tuesday, I wore track suit bottoms, couldn’t walk properly and had two mouth ulcers.  My body has decided to slope about doing everything at half-speed ever since, leaving me trapped inside shouting THIS NEVER USED TO HAPPEN! THIS IS NOT ME! But the evidence seems to suggest otherwise, dammit. Suddenly seeing the bright side of this not happening very often.

This week’s rose in the fridge:  Tesco Finest Navarra Rose 2009, £6.79, Tesco

This is a jewel-coloured rose made from the red Tempranillo grape grown in northern Spain. Navarra is the region and is a pretty sure bet when looking for a bright, juicy, modern style of rose wine. It is not a shy wine, full-bodied by rose wine standards with strawberry fruit aromas and flavours. Doesn’t need food but went with my yah-grilled salmon quite beautifully.   

This week’s red on the side: Catena Malbec 2008, Argentina, £8.99, Waitrose

Such a lovely wine, this one. I visited the winery years ago. Set in vineyards near Mendoza, it looks like something out of a Bond/Bourne film from the outside. Inside, it is crammed with barrels and stainless steel tanks. The producer, Catena, is one of Argentina’s largest and certainly one of the best. This is a moody, brooding red with blackcurrant fruits. Licensed to swill. Just add red meat.

Chin chin x

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  1. Nice post -you write so well!

  2. Jamie, thanks! Thrilled that you read it. Am a regular over at yours too, proper wine information rather than the ramblings of a woman on the edge (of the sofa) x

  3. Tell me about it – I'm still recovering from that weekend with the girls in Chicago. I can't cope with going to bed after 11pm! Sad, isn't it.

  4. I know. But I refuse to give in gracefully. Your weekend sounded such fun, really lovely…

  5. KM just drink more wine, it helps with the pain and muddles the memory!

  6. Oh Vinogirl, spoken like a true pro…x

  7. Oh god, no. In a moment of madness I agreed to go to a White Lies gig (a gig. I mean what was I THINKING? I've never even heard of them. Apparently they're a bit like Joy Division but I wasn't morosely trendy enough to be a fan of them either, so that's no help). What the hell do I wear??? And it's on a school night!
    Argh. Shoot me now.
    Anyway, I hope you've now recovered, although if you're afflicted like me it'll be next week before you're proper again.

  8. Ha! Glad I am not alone. No, not yet recovered. Ulcers still there and now got a cold to boot. White Lies? Never heard of them, but think jeans and tee are the answer. Let me know if you want to borrow my 'Seven & The Ragged Tiger' one from the time I went to see Duran Duran, first time round…

  9. Oh tell me about it!
    I had 1/2 a bottle of Merlot on Saturday night and I couldn't get out of bed on Sunday morning. I am getting old!!

  10. Vanessa, I feel your pain. KMx

  11. And Vanessa, just seen that your parents have a vineyard! Wow! Congrats on awards…

  12. Just discovered your blog from the BMB blog hop – LOVING it! I love wine but unlike you am fairly clueless about it so shall definitely be checking in with you for tipple advice!!

  13. Thanks Katie, always here for tipple advice. Just been to visit yours, love the cookie jar idea. So simple but so thoughtful!

  14. what's your opinion on wine boxes btw? Any recommendations or would you steer clear?!

  15. Actually, wine box quality is much improved nowadays. The problem used to be that only the cheapest of the cheap wine was put in them. Not now though. Aussie wine brands in boxes are usually a good bet as is the Tesco New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc.

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