So I think we’ve established that this blog is about wine and me. Mostly me. As if I needed any encouragement, I was asked to attend a BMB blogging event last week in London where a select handful motley crue of blogging mothers were given cameras and a lesson in how to vlog (that’s video blogging: I know, who knew)? Anyway, if you want to watch something akin to You’ve Been Framed but without anything funny happening then click here. It’s a little film on why I blog. As I said, mostly me.

This week’s white in the fridge: De Bortoli DB Selection Verdelho 2009, Waitrose, £6.49
I heard Chris Evans on the radio this week saying that he was bored with white wine. I say he’s drinking the wrong stuff. Saying you’re bored with white wine is like saying you’re bored with food. Sort of. You’re just stuck in a rut and need a change, need your faith restored. So, step away from the Pinot Grigio and Try Something New. This wine is made from the Verdelho grape, grown in Australia and is not unlike Chardonnay but I find it lighter, with more zip and a lush guava note to it. Ideal wine to have whilst standing in the kitchen, trying to muster up the energy to cook something for the big people in the house for supper. 

This week’s red on the side: Maurel Vedeau Saveurs Veritables Merlot 2009, Source Wines, £8
Merlot is the grape here, this one from the South of France. As a grape, Merlot sometimes gets left at the side of the dancefloor as the bigger show-off that is Cabernet Sauvignon busts its moves and hogs the limelight. But I love a good Merlot; when made well I love its soft fleshy character and raspberry fruit flavours. This one comes in a screwcap and was opened last night when we had it with risotto. Still tasting good with root veg-loaded soup tonight. And to think we used to seal wines with a bit of camel dung wrapped in muslin. Imagine trying to get that back in the bottle.  

Peace out, winos x

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  1. Love this, love your blog. As a fellow knackered mother and wine enthusiast (I figure it's a moderately discerning palate that keeps me this side of dypsomania – and that's the story I'm sticking to) it's always good to get great recommendations. Particularly for Tuesdays. Swimming night.

  2. Liz – thank you for such kind words! Really pleased you like the blog, really hoping you'll find some new wines to try. I'll keep Tuesdays in mind!

  3. Fantastico.. I love it.. and I was dying to know what you were making.. my bet was on a gin & tonic as it sounded like you were cutting up a large lemon.. maybe to numb your nasty cold? (poor you how are you feeling btw?).. but no it was 'f@@@ chicken'.. well done..

    BM xx

  4. BM – thank you! Think I'll do a 'how to taste' one this week ahead of the BMB twitter tasting…I might have a G&T before doing that one. Cold almost shifted…x

  5. Hi, So glad to have found this blog. Myself and some of my friends have "whine club" every wednesday (Think bitch and stitch except its bitch and wine)I actually blogged about it a while back Anyway I will be following you for suggestions:)

  6. MD – Thanks for kind words, have just found you back. Love the idea of a whine club…

  7. Excellent work Lady! You have a wonderful presence and the part about the gougons cracked me right up. Keep Vlogging…you're wonderful. This will fit really well with your Wine Tasting! 😉


  8. That is one hell of a vlog. I'm very jealous. In one take too. We haven't even managed to upload ours yet, sigh!

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