Mutton. Dressed.

So there I was, standing in the middle of an H&M clothes shop and all I could think was I’VE LOST IT. I just didn’t ‘get’ the clothes. Everything looked too small, too trendy, too….too…teenager-y. Still, I refused to give in graciously and picked up something to try on. Then I saw the escalator and the sign above it:


I was on the teen floor. I put the sweatshirt back, took the escalator and realised my ‘too old for Topshop’ moment had come. Luckily I was in a different shop. And on the wrong floor.

Current white in the fridge: L’Hospitalet Viognier 2010, Gerard Bertrand, £4.75/glass, Picture House
You’ll have to go to the cinema to try this one. I had a glass last night whilst watching the new film Bridesmaids. Lordy, it was funny. Laugh out loud funny. LOL, in fact. Anyway, the Picture House cinema chain sell this wine so try it if you’ve got one near you and you’re not driving (the glass was huge). It was gorgeously ripe with unctuous, yes unctuous peach fruit flavours. Viognier makes a refreshing change to Chardonnay: more spice and attitude when good. Often slightly higher in alcohol, too. 

Current red on the side: Fairtrade Tilimuque Cabernet/Bonarda 2010, Argentina, £6.99, Waitrose
This medium-bodied red from Argentina is Fairtrade, organic and delicious. Made from a blend of the bright, slightly excitable Bonarda grape and the more serious, firm Cabernet grape, they make a great couple. Clearly in love. Argentina is almost always touted as the next big thing in wine but seems to stay firmly in the shadow of its more seriously commercial neighbour, Chile. Take a punt, though. It usually pays off. 25% off all wines if you buy 6 bottles or more until the end of June.  

Now, I’m off to Cybermummy on Saturday. No, I haven’t turned into a blogging robot, this is about connecting with having a laugh with other (mostly mummy) bloggers. I’ll be live blogging (no, I’ve no idea either) from a couple of workshops, including one with Rachel Johnson (editor of The Lady and Boris’ sister). I shall be wearing H&M.

Pip pip x

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  1. Some women never have that epiphany. I suspect whatever you chose was fabulous.

  2. MMMC – ha! Might just have to post a pic of what I'm wearing, I love it so much!

  3. I have been there, summer is worse – too old for top shop and too young for country casuals. It's a dilema.

  4. I too had that moment only last week when I was stood in TopShop Oxford Circus in a pair of tie tied leggings. Yes, you read that right. I picked them up thinking, 'cool' a bit rockchick, festival vibe…cute under a floaty dress. Layering is in. Yet there I stood like a stuffed sausage looking like an old timer who hasn't yet realised the party ended years ago. Oh dear.

  5. VB – Ha! Between a rock and a hard place…

    Victoria – I might have been in the changing room next to you, in a flippy skirt. Looking flippy hideous.

  6. I get this – I desperately want to wear the funky stuff in Topshop and yet end up only buying shoes because I'm petrified of dressing like mutton

  7. Muddling – ha ha, same. Ma dressed as glam is but a Topshop buy away from mutton dressed as lamb…

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