No pressure, then.

Now there’s a thing. This blog has been named as one of five bloggers to watch by The Guardian, following Saturday’s Cybermummy conference. Which is a bit of a nightmare as it implies something interesting is going to happen. So, if you are here for the first time, here’s what this blog is all about:

Now I’ve been named as one to watch I’ll try and keep it interesting, learn to tap dance or something. Whatever happens there will always be a couple of weekly wine recommendations on the blog. Too knackered to do them now, I’ll post some tomorrow.

KM x

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  1. OMG, I love learning in a 'winey' way! KM you cannot vlog from the Slummocks without donning your seventies pinny. Outrageous!

  2. ps. congratulations. Our very own Cash n Carrie Bradshaw x

  3. Niki – OK, pinny on next time, promise. Thanks darling x

  4. Congratulations Hels!!

  5. Did you see my tweet then? I forgot to add the link to the article! Doh. Well done you gorgeous. I'm so happy for you. It was lovely to catch up at Cybermummy hope to see you soon and drink wine x

  6. Max – thanks! Not many Guardian readers round these parts, so you one of few family friends' to have seen it!

    Mari – it was thanks to your tweet I realised what was going on! Thanks lovely, yes to more wine time next time x ps – perhaps we could do an Italian wine vlog together and you can translate?!

  7. Congratulations! Roll over Nigella! x

  8. Awesome!! Very well deserved. Glad that you moved on from sending 'random' emails. How would we have ever found you?

  9. Congratulations and very well deserved!
    You don't have anything to live up to, you are already doing it.

    By the way I haven't forgotten about karaoke, am just still mulling (no wine pun intended) a post.

  10. I didn't see it but a friend emailed me to say CyberMummy had a big write up in The Soaraway Sun……Loving The Groniad all over again and well done ps. those dirty proseccos, they cheered up a friend of mine who is seriously down in the dumps, mwah xx

  11. I could have told them that! Of course you're one to watch. And although I would absolutely love to see you tap dance (what else is vlogging for?) I don't think it will be necessary. Congratulations!

  12. Villa – thank you x

    MM – still fairly random though, don't you think? Loved the earrings and you were GOLDEN x

    NVG – Thanks! Oh, I am so looking forward to your karaoke number…

    BW – Prosecco does that, doesn't it? Adds sparkle.

    Claire – Really? You don't want to see me tap dance?

  13. VB – fanks! Wanna do a 'what I wish I was drinking if I wasn't up the duff' post?

  14. I can't watch your vlog as at work and no sound but wow, being names one to watch. Go girl!

    Mich x

  15. Mich – oh, thank you! I know, quite brilliantly hilarious. Keep thinking MUST BE MORE INTERESTING…

  16. OH how totally FABULOUS! I hate vlogging, never watch them…watched yours and loved it. You're rocking it laydee xxx

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