Delicious Autumn

I love this time of year. Yes, of course I love the falling leaves, scrumping, resulting apple cakes and all that. But what I really love is the fact that the weather demands a fairly generous glass of red. A close second is the TV schedule and the fact that leaving the sofa on a Saturday night is no longer an option until at least late December. Anyway, tonight I had leftover Shepherd’s Pie for supper. With the currently Bearded Husband away I almost went wine free, until I heard the wind howl outside. Then I thought: alone + Autumn chill + leftovers + no wine = very average. On the other hand, alone + Autumn chill + leftovers with lots of ketchup + glass of delicious red = better than average. Glass half full, me.

Current red on the side: Tesco Finest Alexander Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 2009, £8.99, Tesco
Now, I love Californian wines but they get a bad rap here for two reasons. Firstly, an awful lot of it is sold here in the UK as White Zinfandel, an odd combination of grape and sugar and alcohol. Now I have drunk the odd glass of this and it’s not killed me but life is definitely too short to drink mediocre wine. Moving on, lots of other Californian wines are utterly gorgeous but too expensive to tempt me over more reasonably priced alternatives from other countries. Then, every now and again, a wine pops up that doesn’t leave me feeling short-changed, literally. This is one such: smooth ripe Cabernet from the Sonoma County region. It loved my leftovers. 

Current white in the fridge: Tesco Finest Picpoul 2010, £4.75 on offer, Tesco
This is not an Autumnal wine. In fact, it is a brilliantly zippy lemon-fresh white from the Languedoc region in the South of France. Dream partner is grilled white fish and the wine tastes of apples and pears. Apples! That’s vaguely Autumnal, no? Anyway, it’s in our fridge this week and I love it and it is currently on offer so I am telling you about it. Made from the Picpoul de Pinet grape, grown in vineyards around the village of Picpoul.  

Do the maths x

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  1. I adore red wine. It's the best thing ever (especially with leftover Shepherd's Pie!). I shall be adding this one to my shopping list, thanks 🙂 x

  2. EM – thanks, it really is a gorgeous one. Red wine makes the Autumn chill brill x

  3. I'll have to see if I can get that red Sonoma in my local wine shop.

    Nothing like leftovers and a nice glass of wine when the husband's away….or even if they are there, actually.

  4. NVG – Cabernet from Sonoma generally makes the world a better place..

  5. Ha ha! "Currently bearded husband" made me think he is only your current man of the moment & could be updated at any moment by something more smooth and ripe! Am also impressed that you make apple cakes. xx

  6. Peggy – oh yes, might have to re-think that description so as to not cause offence! Do you know, I had never made an apple cake in my life until I saw the recipe on Crumbs and it was SO EASY even I could manage it! The children actually eat the cake rather than just the icing. Genius.

  7. Your blog is always dangerous for me to read in the afternoon – it's just so inappropriate to have a glass of wine before 6, but I now I really rather fancy one…

  8. MM – Fridays don't count 😉

  9. Seeing as I work at a Napa winery, I really should be loyal to this valley, but I really like the Alexander Valley…it is like Napa was 20+ years ago.

  10. Vinogirl – really? Love knowing that….

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