Last week, at the International Wine & Spirit Competition (IWSC) annual banquet at the Guildhall, I was named Blogger of the Year* along with the properly brilliant Jamie Goode from It was quite the do, and I would share the official photo with you but my lipstick was a horrible colour and my arm looks weird so instead I give you the picture taken by the Husband when I got home the next day. Humbled and honoured (me, not the Husband). Thank you, dear readers.

In other news, Waitrose has unveiled a new own label wine range, and it is looking promising. Prosecco for £8.99, Rioja for £5.99 and White Burgundy for £7.99? Yes pur-lease. I am yet to dive in but am trolley-dashing tomorrow post-school run so will report back findings next week.

Morrisons has also launched their new online wine cellar this week, which is great news because I don’t have one that close to me but can at least indulge in a spot more window shopping. The bit that I liked most was the interactive taste test, which claims to help you identify your wine style by answering 3 quick questions. Worth doing: I’m smooth, apparently. But I know I am also fickle, so one style is not enough. Still, great idea.

Current white in the fridge: Tesco Premier Cru Champagne Brut NV, £14.99 on offer,
Christmas has come early in the wine aisles and this is one of my favourite own label Champagnes, made by a brilliant co-operative producer in the village of Avize. It punches way above its weight, incredible value for money. A classic blend of Chardonnay and Pinot Noir, this is all brioche and hazelnuts, with bubbles. This was opened to celebrate the above award; I really was (still am) amazed and chuffed in almost equal measure (scales tip in favour of amazed). 

Current red in the rack: Fonterutoli Chianti Classico 2010, £14.99 if you buy 2,
There was a report in the paper today quoting Majestic as saying we are beginning to realise that when it comes to wine we can get better quality for a small premium. I’ve written about this in more detail in THE BOOK (sorry, will stop doing that at some point, just not yet). You get what you pay for as they say, apart from £5 wine when you’re paying mostly tax and duty, leaving a little bit left over for wine. Spend a few quid more, and you get much more wine for your money. This particular one buys you a lot of wine, which is good because it is completely delicious; all cherries, raspberries and trademark Sangiovese (the grape used here) acidity, leaving you begging for food. In our case, celebratory roast lamb. 

*That’s one of the secrets.

Pip pip x

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  1. Look at you! Congratulations.
    Laughing at the fact that you didn't share the official photo:good for you, I'd have done the same!

  2. Dr Uncle Bunny

    Fab photo AND a write up about Fonterutoli! How amazing is that? (it's only my favourite stable)

  3. Congratulations on the award, you deserve it, your blog's great.

  4. This is wonderful news. May the Awards keep coming. I've tried that Champagne and was quite impressed tbh. Congratulations and Cheers!

  5. Congratulations, that must have felt very exciting indeed. I did the taste test and it suggested all the wines I usually plump for. Cool test

  6. Brilliant well done you clever girl. Will be taking my Xmas recon from you as usual this year.

    BM x

  7. Drinking her way through the week,
    her blog gives us readers a treat..
    And now an award, how loud the applause
    for the blogger we'd most like to meet!

    Really well done, I love your blog..from a fellow knackered mum!

  8. Woo hoo, well done you! Which reminds me, I must remember to do that Guest Post, or will you want your award winning blog sullied by an amateur. 😉

  9. Congrats, well deserved!

  10. Would you like to try a bottle of Congolese horned cucumber wine?

  11. Ooooh! Big congrats to you 😀

    Marvellous, well done O wondrous wine blogger xxx

  12. Well done you! That's fantastic. Did you get to drink anything out of that posh flagon?
    We have just got this magic thing that enables us to watch British telly on demand and I am transfixed by the Waitrose adverts, esp the half-price champagne oness. Sigh…

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