There are many, many, many upsides to tasting wines for a living. In the old BC days (before children) I travelled the world sourcing wines for our supermarket shelves, visiting vineyards in beautiful places and spending time with people who loved – and made – wine. Nowadays I do most of my wine tasting at our kitchen table but still, it’s a dream job. The only thing that’s decidedly not dream-like is the damage that endless swishing and spitting has done to my teeth. Years of drenching them with acid and tannin has left them in a sensitive state. I’d always been told to not brush my teeth straight after a big wine tasting as this does more damage to the enamel. And I should have bought shares in chewing gum years ago, such is my post-tasting consumption. But the one thing that has made a very real difference is my toothpaste. Check out this quiz from Pronamel to help you work out if your teeth are at risk. Wines reccs to follow later this week.

KM x

This is a sponsored post but thoughts are my own.

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  1. We are pronamel convets for no other reason that it is often on offer at Sainsburys and the kids tolerate it, as they loathe all other minty toothpastes – so all round a winner let alone what added benefits it does for the teeth!!

    • I'm so beyond whitening…but it's definitely made a difference. Mine are fussy about toothpastes too. Some of them are so sweet it feels wrong that the kids should brushing their teeth with them at all!

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