Spending Pennies

‘Where’s your wee wine gone?’ asked Eldest Boy earlier today. He was referring to the wine I’ve just made. As a wine buyer I spent much of my time in cold cellars tasting wine samples from tanks but until now, I’d never made my own wine from start to finish. Granted, the grapes came in the form of grape concentrate in tins. I didn’t have to grow anything. I just had to unpack the home winemaking kit, chuck the contents of the tins into a fermenter and add some yeast. And at about £1 a bottle, it really is cheap as chips. But the thing is, it looks like pregnant wee and smells like an old pub floor. It’s for a piece in the newspaper and of course I’ll report back once tasted but in the meantime, here are some wines that don’t look like urine. Much more appealing.
Chin chin x

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  1. Oh, what fun. How do I get to read the newspaper piece?
    And any tips on getting my brother to shop at Asda for me for that Marzemino?

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