Normally, I write a weekly post for this blog fairly late at night. But given that I’ve now got an extra half hour in the mornings I never knew I had, I thought I’d write this one early. Fuelled by granola, obviously. Yes, my stocks of granola are like Willy Wonka’s gobstoppers: never ending. Compared with some, though, this isn’t early at all. I woke up to an email from a friend this morning, sent at 4.17am, blaming menopausal insomnia. All the fun! Perhaps I should send her some of my granola – I have plenty. Just one more thing to share this morning, a photo of Youngest Girl and Middle Boy selling cakes outside the village shop last weekend. They wanted to raise money for the refugees, they said, after talking about it at school. They raised nearly £20 and we paid it to Save The Children’s Child Refugee Crisis Appeal here.

Chin chin x

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  1. Haha! Amazing to see wine still on your mind even at such early hours & munching granola 😉 This is what I call dedication !

  2. I have plenty. Just one more thing to share this morning wine cooler reviews

  3. You must be very proud. A huge great "Well done!" to your children.

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