Our new early morning start isn’t getting any easier: having to get up when it’s still dark outside feels all wrong. Add in heavy rain and it’s all a bit bleugh. But then there’s this jacket. Named by one of my favourite fash writers as the jazzy jacket, I just knew I had to have one in that way that your whole wardrobe seems obsolete until you do. So now it’s hanging on the door of my wardrobe, where it’s been ever since I bought it in Zara last week. I admire it every morning and plan to wear it as often as possible between now and next Spring. Too much for the school run, perhaps. But on mornings like this, I’m tempted.

Chin chin x

Ps. If you are anywhere near Birmingham this weekend, I’ll be at Love Wine 2015 at the Hotel du Vin all day tomorrow. Along with 250 wines available to taste from some producers around

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