Feet Up

Remember I hurt my knee doing The Nutcracker at Christmas? (We take charades very seriously in this house). Turns out I’ve got to have surgery later this week so I’ll be sofa-bound for a couple of days post-op. For obvious reasons, I’m thrilled at the prospect of being forced to put my feet up for a whole weekend. Plans mostly involve books and box sets but don’t include cooking for, clearing up after or ferrying small people. It’s like a mini-break without having to leave the house.

Talking of which, I did have a mini-break of sorts this week. I headed to Kent to visit a winery and then stayed the night at The Pig Hotel at Bridge Place. It’s the latest to join the fast-growing litter of Pigs and everything about it is gorgeous. The uninterrupted bath before supper was a particular highlight but what I really loved was the wine list, crammed with wines from surrounding vineyards. See this week’s recommendations for a particularly quirky find.

With thanks to The Pig at Bridge Place for hosting my stay. 

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One Comment

  1. Geraldine Harney

    Hope you are recovering. Did you have full replacement? I ask as I have to soon.
    Big fan of you.
    Work as a news journo in Ireland.

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