To Don’t List

Sometimes my life seems like one long list of stuff to do. So for the next 10 days, I’m going to live by a To Don’t list. Here’s what’s on it.

  1. Don’t think 11am is too early for a glass of rosé.
  2. Don’t buy that pair of white cotton trousers in the French market for €10 (you still haven’t worn the pair you bought last year, or the black ones you bought the year before that).
  3. Don’t stress about the kids’ screen time. Same goes for their pizza intake.
  4. Don’t worry about what you look like in a bikini. Nobody else is.
  5. However, don’t think this applies to playsuits. You look like a giant toddler in one.
  6. Don’t give up on the current book club book, it might get better.
  7. Don’t forget to take the latest Marian Keyes just in case it doesn’t.
  8. Don’t bother with fake tan. You’ve left it too late (again).
  9. Don’t pack every kaftan you’ve ever owned. You always wear the same one anyway.
  10. Don’t think about your To Do list, it can wait.

See you on the other side.

KM x


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