I realise it’s a bit like complaining that my diamond shoes are too tight but I got hit by a crazy skier last week whilst on the slopes in Austria and now I’m on crutches with a ruptured cruise ship (I’m told it’s cruciate but I prefer cruise ship) ligament. Which, given that I’ve got a houseful of children and chocolate for the next few weeks is, you know, not ideal. But people have been amazing – I literally can’t fit any more bolognese sauce in the freezer. And at least there are no school runs for now. Anyway, I’ve got a few Easter-friendly wine recommendations for you this week including one that works with most types of chocolate. Hop to it.
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sorry to hear about the cruise ship & the crutches Helen 🙁 , my wife once slipped down the chalet stairs after dinner & fractured her ankle, hospital all night, out on crutches the next morning; everybody thought she’d had a dramatic ski accident 🙂
Dear Helen. So sorry to hear from your mum that an out of control skier ran into you causing such a nasty injury. Hope you heal well..
As your mum knows I had something similar happening to me on the first day of my ski Holidayin January, so I reLly sympathise and wish you a speedy recover, regards Gitta
Thank you so much Gitta, am definitely on the mend! x