I’m often late to the party. I don’t mean an actual party. Just, you know, the “party”. Take parkas: only just ordered one and they’ve been around since, like, forever. Or box sets. By the time we sit down to watch something I’ve usually heard or read so much about it I feel like I’ve already seen it. Then there’s spiralising, although that’s one party that I’ve already decided to skip because life’s definitely too short for that shit. Anyway, true to form, I’m late to the podcast party. But now I’m here, I’m loving it. The best is thrown by the Scummy Mummies (listen to this recent one with The Unmumsy Mum and prepare to snort wine out of your nose at the ‘Anything For Money’ game). Other more recent discoveries include the PanDolly podcast, a weekly take on news (ok, mostly celebrity but it is funny) and a particular favourite when tackling the laundry basket. And Desert Island Discs for all the ones I miss (which is most of them because, well, noise). Any others I need to know about? Party on.

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