On The Case

When I asked you what else you’d like from The Knackered Mother’s Wine Club recently, lots of you suggested wine by the case. It made complete sense: order online, get it delivered, stock up and save time. Then I had an idea. And happily, one of my current favourite online wine by the case retailers thought it was a good one. So, together with the Laithwaites wine buyer (and fellow knackered mother) Abi Hirshfeld, I’ve selected 12 wines from their range that I think you’ll LOVE. From mid-week fridge door whites to smarter reds for the table on a Saturday night, it’s all in there. The rose is pale (and the vineyards are a stone’s throw from Brad & Angelina’s) and the Prosecco is perfect. Normally, the case would cost £120 but for us, it’s £79.99, working out at just over £6.50 per bottle. Amazing value! It’s called the KMWC End of Term case (call it forward planning for the summer holidays).

Full details on all the wines can be found here and if you click on the BUY button, you’ll be directed to the right place on the Laithwaites website to order a case. I’ve also made a quick video here to introduce the wines. I’m SO excited and can’t wait to hear what you think.

Chin chin x

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  1. Glorious.

    The End

    • Helen McGinn

      Aw, thank you T. Know you will love it, esp. the rose and the Italian white. Bruce will love the Mr Riggs.

  2. Brilliant. Thank you. I’ve also printed off the comments against each wine so I can sound a bit knowledgeable while drinking them over the summer holidays!

  3. What a fab idea!

  4. The perfect gift for very mother when has survived the scholastic year!

  5. PS. I’m Not drunk – that is autocorrect 😉

  6. My case has just been delivered – roll on summer

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