L-R: Hugh, Michel Roux Jr
(chair) & Jancis

Last night, a friend and I went to a brilliant event in London that brought together two of the world’s best wine writers, Jancis Robinson and Hugh Johnson. If you only ever buy one wine book in your life (once you’ve bought mine, of course *best smile*), make it their World Atlas of Wine. It’s brilliant – and full of wine maps. Anyway, they were there to debate who makes the greatest wines, Bordeaux or Burgundy. “Wine is geography in a glass” said Jancis (arguing for Burgundy, a patchwork of small vineyards). “Bordeaux is wonderful with food” said Hugh. True dat, big flavours. We all had a glass of each in our hands to help us decide and once the drinking and debating was done, we cast our votes. I went for Burgundy, mostly because I usually prefer its lighter touch compared with Bordeaux. It cuddles rather than grips, IYKWIM. But that’s the beauty of wine: so much choice. Lucky us.

Chin chin x

Ps. there’s a new video up over on my YouTube channel about how long you can keep a wine once opened. Hope you like.

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  1. Watched your video! We use one of those vacuum pump things, and wine seems to keep for four or five days if you use that. I think white keeps longer – is that likely?

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