Looking Forward

Unsurprisingly, January does not rate as one of my favourite months and not just because seemingly everyone’s off the booze. And the whole new year’s resolution thing is anathema to me. Or on the words of someone much funnier, a new year’s resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other. I will, as ever, try and eat less than I did last month (not difficult) and exercise more than I did last month (really not difficult).

I’m having a dry week (ok, half week) but normal service resumes next week. We’ve got work to do! Wines to discover! Here’s to a good year…

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  1. Happy new year! Hope 2014 brings more excitement, telly and delicious wine….

  2. Happy New Year! January is a total bore… xx

  3. Happy New Year (from Liverpool)!

  4. Happy new year. And bring on the recommendations. I am not off the booze. Hurrah!

  5. Happy new year. I too am not off the wine…searching for new exciting wines in fact. Can't help it!
    Here's to a wonderful new year.

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