Discombobulated. That’s how I felt this week. Think that’s down to last weekend, spent in London working at a wine fair. Coming home and jumping straight into the week without a break left me discombobulated. But happily, it’s Saturday and my gorgeous neighbour Maggie has just popped over to help me make up some sloe gin. I am recombobulated. Here’s her recipe:

1. Take 1lb sloes (putting them in the freezer for a week before using saves you having to prick holes in them).
2. Pop them into a clean kilner jar and pour over 200g caster sugar.
3. Cover generously with gin.
4. Add a tiny dash of almond essence.
5. Stir, seal and store in a cool, dark place.

All you need to do then is stir it a bit whenever you remember, before sieving and decanting into a bottle just in time for Christmas. Here’s how we did it:

Back next week with wine reccs.

KM x

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  1. I dont like sloes
    I dont like gin

    But hell I am making me some of this

  2. Chuck a cinnamon stick and orange peel in for some real festive flavour. (you can also do the same with hawthorns – tastes more medicinal but still yummy and is good for your heart, so they say!!!) x

  3. My aunt always makes us slow gin for Christmas, yum. It doesn't last long though.

  4. scrummy recipe, sounds like a deliciously productive evening! Cheers 🙂

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