Last Friday & Saturday I was at BritMums Live, an event that brings together 500 bloggers under one London roof to talk, listen, laugh, cry (well, you try listening to Katie Piper’s story and not end up in a sobbing heap on the floor). One of the best discussion groups I attended was run by The Sunday Times’ Eleanor Mills.  She talked about her campaign to safeguard children from online pornography: the stats are shocking, the stories even more so. Click here to join the campaign. And there were so many highlights, including this one from Friday’s Brilliance in Blogging (BiB) Awards:

Speechless. Thank you x

Current white in the fridge: Klein Riesling 2011, £11.99, Naked Wines
This was brought round to ours by someone from book club last week, think it might have been Tyger (that’s her book club name, obviously). Anyway, it didn’t get opened. Happily, because a) it is delicious and b) I’d have only got half a glass of it had it been shared with the rest of book club. This is Riesling just how I like it – dry, floral and full of lime and lemon fruit. There’s a honeysuckle hint about it too. From the Pfalz region in Germany, this is one smart wine. Properly delicious, refreshingly different. Went a treat with our thyme chicken tonight.

Current red on the side: Tesco Finest Argentinian Malbec 2012, £7.99, Tesco
Malbec has made a name for itself as the beast of Argentinian red grapes: big, bold and beautiful. This one is full of flavour – bramble fruit, mostly – yet more gentle giant than beast, I think. Soft-centered, if you like. And really good value for money to boot. Made by one of the best producers in Argentina, Catena, this is a joy with anything that has seen and survived a barbecue, especially ribs. Bit obsessed with ribs at the moment. I blame Kevin Spacey in House of Cards. 

Peace out, winos x

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  1. Hello! Congrats on your award! How cool!! I have started your book and been diligent with my homework! Am going to recommend it to my Book Club! I will sign up for that campaign too. So glad we met! x

  2. Blimey the awards keep on a comin' – well done to you – out of all the blogs I try and bookmark and occasionally read – yours is the only one I check on a daily basis – so I'm really not that surprised!
    I wanted to write a limerick in celebration but could only come up with fib and rib – "outstanding" was tricky to match too! x Ps your Mum must be SO proud!

  3. Well done Helen! Lovely to see you again. Started reading your book: really enjoying it so far. Hope to know a bit more about wine by the end of it as I am so clueless in the supermarket! 🙂

  4. Speechless? Surely you're used to it by now! Many congratulations, fantastically well deserved.

  5. It was great to hear you at the food bit of Britmumslive. I really enjoyed the whole do and have been thoroughly annoying my family all week since with social-media-dos-and-don'ts tales and ooh-I've-met-her stories. I am taking your book to my cookbook book club tonight which will go down a storm. Elinor x

  6. Lovely to meet you. Well deserved win 🙂

  7. Congratulations…again!

  8. Was fabulous to meet you and you made it so easy to meet someone I view as very much a celebrity type blogger. That says a lot about you as a person. Glad one of your fave sessions happened in room 2 lol.

    • A celebrity type blogger – I love that! But promiseI don't feel like that AT ALL…was lovely to meet you too, and you did a great job running that room. And our session was such a laugh to do, Kirsten is hilarious (and v lovely).

  9. Just catching up on the blog – thanks for the link to the campaign, just signed up x

  10. Just catching up on the blog – thanks for the link to the campaign, just signed up x

  11. It was lovely to chat on the Friday 🙂 I'm still feeling inspired although have yet to set pen to paper.

    Emma @sciencesparks

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