Celebrity Has Eaten Itself

An article celebrating 15 years of Red magazine in the latest issue looks at changes in society, technology, fashion and culture among other things during that time. And as someone who loves a celebrity – a friend of mine lovingly refers to me as her favourite star f*cker, such is my appetite for entertaining tales about famous people – for me, the change in celebrity culture is the opposite of exciting. In 1998, celebrities were proper. We’re talking Madonna, Naomi and the Spice Girls (stay with me). In fact, in that same year Woody Allen made a film called Celebrity starring Winona, Charlize and Leo. No surnames required when you are that famous. But the explosion of reality TV shows has led to numerous ‘celebrities’ (yes, I’m doing air quotes) and it just doesn’t mean what it used to. God, I sound old. On a positive note, Johnny was spotted in our local restaurant at the weekend. No surname required.

Current white in the fridge: Tesco Finest Picpoul de Pinet 2011, £6 on offer, Tesco
If the weather is pissing you off, I can fix the problem, albeit temporarily. Pour a glass of this – Spring-like, with cheek-suckingly-fresh citrus fruit brought to you from sunny vineyards in Southern France – and lie in a hot bath reading my friend Rachael’s book, Sealed With A Kiss. I’m half way through (the book, not the bottle) and loving it. You will be transported, to France by the wine or the West Coast of Scotland by the book. Your choice. And on the wine, if you are stuck in a Great Wine Rut (as discussed in this post on Mama UK’s site) then the Picpoul grape is just the wine to get you out of it.  

Current red in the rack: Heredad del Rey Reservada Yecla 2010, £8.99, Waitrose
Talking of wine ruts, if you are stuck in a Rioja one – and there are worse places to be stuck, let’s be honest – and fancy trying something different then this juicy red is a good start. Same country, different grapes: this is made from the Monastrell grape (also known as Mourvedre in France) with a dash of Syrah too. Like the wines of Rioja, the wine does have some oak flavours from time spent ageing in barrels, giving it a slight hint of vanilla and spice. But, overall this one from the Yecla region in South Eastern Spain is lighter, brighter and (I think) better suited to Spring. Now we just need the weather to match. 

Cheers, dears x

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  1. Depp? Vaughan? Marr? Cash? (I'd be impressed if it was the latter…)

  2. Depp. I think he's following me.

  3. I was convinced your Johnny was going to be that high-voiced chap who got far too far along in the X factor a couple of years ago. 😉

    • Oh, that Johnny! Ha! Thankfully, no. Although I did see Stuart (or was it Adam?) from The Apprentice on the Tube the other day, the one that got the giggles at the wine tasting…stopped myself from saying hello, you'll be glad to know.

  4. Now that is an impressive celeb spot! I love the newspaper article stating 'there have been numerous sightings of Depp around the New Forest'. I have visions of him foraging in the undergrowth (when I think of Depp that sounds very rude..) or hiding up trees. *Packs children and bags, turns car in direction of the New Forest*

  5. Love shopping at Tesco. Love high acidity in wine. I think I'll love drinking the Picpoul when I'm home in May.

  6. I love Picpoul! Paired that exact wine with some moules marinieres a few nights ago and it was delicious!

  7. Yes liked the content revealing 'there have been several sightings of Depp around the New Forest'. Nice post.

    wine online

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